Here in Napa, we went from cold to hot to cold again. I do wish we could have some spring like weather. It seems we only have winter and summer here. The watercolor illustrates where I would really like to be, someplace by the ocean.
I did this drawing of Judy from Lost in Space last weekend. She is standing next to Major West in the original one. Her features seem to be so delicate, so I have to have a light hand.
Where I work really is a dangerous place. We have several severe autistic kids. One who throws chairs, and hit his head on the floor. To escape this reality I watch and draw Lost in Space. The picture is inspired by "The Thief of Outer Space" episode of Lost in Space. The planet they are on is a dangerous place. But being part fantasy and part science fiction it isn't really dangerous at all, at least not as the place I work.
I can't believe that I wrote that about Major West. I could never really truly cut him out of any picture I draw of him. No matter how badly I may draw him. I just keep on drawing him. There is nothing I enjoy more than drawing or watercolor. It used to be rain pictures for the longest time. Then it was lots of lighthouse pictures. Then it was horse pictures. Now a lot of my art is centered around Lost in Space. Though I still do some of the other. Now that part of my life is better than my job. What a trip!!!! Carla ran away from school today. I and one of the campus supervisors had to go retrieve her from her mom's place of employment. Then Eric is about ready to blow most the day. He is just on the edge, or the verge of losing it. Then to top things off, Alijae came back, after three months absence, for surgery and recovery. But then, though she is a lot of work, being in a wheelchair and all, she is really the sweetest, most joyful part of our classroom.