Here is my brother David and my mom. My mom will be 90 years old in June of this year! This picture was taken in Angwin on Los Posadas Road, near where Los Posadas State Forest and Pacific Union College property touch. The first picture is my acrylic picture which I did way back in December. I wanted to take a picture of it outdoors with my non digital camera, but it has always been too cold or raining.
I am grateful for so many things. Though I do not have a husband or a house, I do have other things I am grateful for. I still have my mom, my daughter, and my two brothers, plus their families. Also, I have Monty our dog, and three fun and sometimes feisty cats. I also have good eyesight, and fair health. It is now almost a year since I had my kidney removed for kidney cancer. That surgery was on March 29, 2007. I am grateful that surgery was successful. One of my doctors, Dr. Yap, told me that one of those blood tests he had me take showed I was cancer free. Though, I have a touch of arthritis.