Monday, December 22, 2008
Sewing Again
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monty on a Walk
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Cartoon Sketches

Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Fire Here in Napa County

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Work and Home

It is the same old... same old. I go to work... come home exhausted. Do laundry, eat a little, sometimes work in my small garden, draw a little, paint a little, watch a little tv, then go to bed. More recently my mom and I have been going through some of her old photos of the family. The first photo was of me during first grade. The second photo above is my younger brother and me with our beloved dog Molly.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
School Started Over Two Weeks Ago

Back to school on Aug. 18th. Redwood Middle School got a facelift over the summer. A new parking area, and new sidewalks, and quad area. In the classroom we have three new kids. I have been busy trying to think up some ideas for art. Found some in a discarded book. The flower is sand mixed with different colors of dry tempera paint on blue construction paper.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Last Day of Summer School!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Pirates and Parrots

We are doing pirates this week. This is one of the coloring pages we have on hand for the kids to do. Just being able to sit down with the kids and talk to them while they color can be interesting. This is my parrot colored with markers.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Art and Special Ed Children

I got to do some art today! We made some watercolor and toothpick art. This is the example I made for the kids in our class. They made some real cute pictures!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Summer School

It is hot, and summer school has started! Getting our Special Day Class together with another Special Day Class is liken to a madhouse! It is a hard thing when you have one kid who is on the verge of running away any moment. Then, we have one who hits people, kids and adults.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Those 8th Graders
Today was 8th grade graduation. Eric, Tilly, Justin, and Alma are to move on this next school year.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Non Enhanced

I am not sure which way I like my watercolor picture. This is it without playing with the colors using Adobe Photoshop.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Weather

Here in Napa, we went from cold to hot to cold again. I do wish we could have some spring like weather. It seems we only have winter and summer here. The watercolor illustrates where I would really like to be, someplace by the ocean.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Drawing Judy

Monday, May 12, 2008
Dangerous Place

Where I work really is a dangerous place. We have several severe autistic kids. One who throws chairs, and hit his head on the floor. To escape this reality I watch and draw Lost in Space. The picture is inspired by "The Thief of Outer Space" episode of Lost in Space. The planet they are on is a dangerous place. But being part fantasy and part science fiction it isn't really dangerous at all, at least not as the place I work.
Monday, May 5, 2008
But He is Still There

I can't believe that I wrote that about Major West. I could never really truly cut him out of any picture I draw of him. No matter how badly I may draw him. I just keep on drawing him. There is nothing I enjoy more than drawing or watercolor. It used to be rain pictures for the longest time. Then it was lots of lighthouse pictures. Then it was horse pictures. Now a lot of my art is centered around Lost in Space. Though I still do some of the other. Now that part of my life is better than my job. What a trip!!!! Carla ran away from school today. I and one of the campus supervisors had to go retrieve her from her mom's place of employment. Then Eric is about ready to blow most the day. He is just on the edge, or the verge of losing it. Then to top things off, Alijae came back, after three months absence, for surgery and recovery. But then, though she is a lot of work, being in a wheelchair and all, she is really the sweetest, most joyful part of our classroom.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
If I Lose my Mind
I think that I am losing my mind.... very, very slowly. Yesterday and the day before seems like a blur. Well, we take doggy for a walk... then later watched "Song of the Thin Man." While we watched our movies I drew a picture of Dr. Smith and Don. Dr. Smith came out ok. But I didn't like the way Major West turned out. So I cut him out.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Always so Cold Here

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Grateful for What I Have

Here is my brother David and my mom. My mom will be 90 years old in June of this year! This picture was taken in Angwin on Los Posadas Road, near where Los Posadas State Forest and Pacific Union College property touch. The first picture is my acrylic picture which I did way back in December. I wanted to take a picture of it outdoors with my non digital camera, but it has always been too cold or raining.
I am grateful for so many things. Though I do not have a husband or a house, I do have other things I am grateful for. I still have my mom, my daughter, and my two brothers, plus their families. Also, I have Monty our dog, and three fun and sometimes feisty cats. I also have good eyesight, and fair health. It is now almost a year since I had my kidney removed for kidney cancer. That surgery was on March 29, 2007. I am grateful that surgery was successful. One of my doctors, Dr. Yap, told me that one of those blood tests he had me take showed I was cancer free. Though, I have a touch of arthritis.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I Would Rather be on an Island

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tightening the Screws at Redwood Middle School
Oh the joys of work!! I am an aide at Redwood Middle School in Napa. It is a hard and demanding place to be. We are constantly busy. But they want to spread us thin. That way our classroom will be short staffed. An aide from another class retired last year. And they did not hire another aide to replace her. They want an aide from our class to cover for her part time. The kids in our class are severely handicapped and disabled. Plus some of them have major emotional problems. No wonder I am crazy....... sort of... kind of.

Monday, March 10, 2008
Drawings I Did From The Great Vegetable Rebellion

The second picture is of Major Don West from Lost in Space. The first picture is a composite picture of both the robot and Maureen Robinson. Maureen has just come away from watching Penny who is fast asleep. But it is not a normal sleep but one induced by the bad veggie who has captured and imprisoned the group. The robot is actually not in this scene.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Lost in Space Drawings

Here are some of my drawings of Lost in Space characters. The first is suppose to be Judy Robinson. The second Will Robinson and Maureen Robinson, then Maureen Robinson and the robot. These pictures are fun to do. I wish I had more time to do them. I usually do them late at night when I should be going to bed, thereby missing much needed sleep. But then if I don't do some sort of art in a given day, then I feel like the day is a waste.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Fairyland in Angwin
Rain rules! It looks like fairyland in Angwin again. That is Sarah and Monty, and then me and Monty. We keep trading him off between ourselves. In the picture of Sarah we had just spotted fellow walker, April going the other way with her dog
Adel. We get to see them about once a month on the trails. When it rains like this most people won't venture into the woods. We got a little wet, but not bad. It is so quiet in the woods on wet days.
The lighthouse picture I did a couple of months ago. For a while that is all I ever did was lighthouse pictures.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Golden Moments
We drive to Angwin, usually about twice a week. There we take walks around the trails of Pacific Union College Property. I think of those moments we spend on our walks as Golden Moments. Pacific Union College boarders on Los Posadas State Forest. Much of the area is truly a bueatiful place. But I worry that it won't stay so bueatiful. I they have their way they will put in an "Eco-Villiage" with 380 new homes up in Angwin. It will spoil the quiet and gentleness of the community. I lived in Angwin for close to 17 years. So I am not a stranger to the community. I lived in both the dorm - Winning Hall on the campus of Pacific Union College, and out in two different apartments, off campus. Angwin is really a unique place. On Valentines Day it will be 7 years since we moved from Angwin down to Napa to my mom's. I dream often of the Tobin Avenue apartment we used to live in.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Rain, Rain Go Away, Come Again Some Other Day

It has been raining almost every day for the last two weeks. I am really getting a bit tired of it. Besides too much work, I have been wearing myself out. Our washing machine broke, I caught the cold that every one else has had in the classroom, it is the second cold in the last two months. This wouldn't happen if the parents would keep their sick kids home. I feel obligated to work because they won't send a sub for me. I am only an aide. I comfort myself by drawing Lost in Space pictures.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Jupiter 2

I wanted to do the Lost in Space Jupiter 2 on the ground in a landing/crash site. Instead as I was drawing and doing the color it morphed. Now it looks about to land. So that stuff in the picture is suppose to be dust and debris. Also there are creatures watching.
Monday, January 21, 2008
The Global Markets versus Those Lost In Space Dreams

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