My dog Monty. It is hard to get him to sit still long enough for me to get his picture, except when he is sleeping. He can be a handful. He is almost blind in one eye, having had a detached retina. He had surgery twice on the eye, and has to have eye drops in it for the rest of his doggy life.

Dr. Smith and the Magic Mirror. He is so in love with riches that he will do anything to get them.

Another Magic Mirror picture. I love it when Zachary Smith is interacting with either Will or Penny. Here he and Penny are both inside the mirror. At first he thinks what is happening in the mirror is all his own imagination. I am sure the man who develops my pictures for me must think I am obsessed with Lost in Space. If it's not Lost in Space, then it is Angwin where we take our walks. And then there are the pictures of my dog and my daughter Sarah.