Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Day After Christmas

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
More Time to Blog

When I am off work I get to sleep in. I wish I could do that all the time. I am in desperate need of sleep. But I can barely get more that 7 hours.
I went Christmas shopping today. I was at Target and there was hardly anyone there. I found some things for Sarah.
The artwork is my Holloween horse. Now I have got to have a Christmas horse. There is a saddle shop here in Napa. I saw their Christmas ornaments, Christmas horses. I don't have much money to spend.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas Vacation Has Just Begun

Monday, November 26, 2007
I've been taking pictures with my camera of Lost in Space. I guess this is what is called a screen grab.
I have drawn Johnathan Harris dozens of times. He is my favorite Lost in Space character, then Penny and the robot.
I always like to get a picture like this one.
And this is my mom up in Angwin.

I for one am truely thankful. Just to be alive is good. Having my mother still around is good too. She turned 89 in June. I also am glad to have my daughter, Sarah, and my three cats and one dog. Also, I am grateful to have a job. Having been diagnosed with kidney cancer this last year then having the kidney removed was not fun. I had to take a bunch of time off from work. Even when I went back it was hard to lift children and do my normal duties. Now it is almost eight months later. Since then I am trying to do more of the things that I enjoy, those things being art and sewing. I started this blog on a whim, after viewing Angela Cartwright's wonderful blog. I have long wanted to make my own website but have been way too busy to do it. This blog is kind of a substitute for that.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Drawing Lost in Space

I enjoy drawing immensely. Here are a few of my drawings inspired by Lost in Space. Not too bad considering that creating art has been something I haven't always been working at. My life is just too busy. I was never really good at faces. But I keep trying anyway. Dad does't look a thing like Guy Williams. Maybe on my next try he will look better. I love drawing that robot!! He really is my favorite character. Then Penny and Smith are my next favorite.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
June Lockhart and Angela Cartwright

Friday, August 17, 2007
Wow! Summer Vacation is Almost Over!
Dr. Smith in Ghost in Space.

I got five weeks off from school. Now, this Monday school starts again. I am not ready for it. Oh well, that is the way of life!
We went camping last week. That was fun. Our van broke down. But we got some assistance from a very nice Park Ranger. He helped us to get our gear together so we would be safely near where our van would be worked on. Next year, we are taking 2 vehicals. It was no fun being stuck up on a remote road with a broken down van. It took two days to get it fixed.
Still watching my favorite T.V. programs on DVD....... Lost in Space, Star Trek tos, Star Trek tng, Columbo, Wild Wild West, and Murder She Wrote. But I love that Lost in Space, and Star Trek tos the best.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Monty My Love

My dog Monty. It is hard to get him to sit still long enough for me to get his picture, except when he is sleeping. He can be a handful. He is almost blind in one eye, having had a detached retina. He had surgery twice on the eye, and has to have eye drops in it for the rest of his doggy life.

Dr. Smith and the Magic Mirror. He is so in love with riches that he will do anything to get them.

Another Magic Mirror picture. I love it when Zachary Smith is interacting with either Will or Penny. Here he and Penny are both inside the mirror. At first he thinks what is happening in the mirror is all his own imagination. I am sure the man who develops my pictures for me must think I am obsessed with Lost in Space. If it's not Lost in Space, then it is Angwin where we take our walks. And then there are the pictures of my dog and my daughter Sarah.
Friday, June 8, 2007
A Friend

Just a watercolor I did the other day. I never am totally happy with what I do, but I still keep on doing it. Something about doing art work. If I don't do art in any day I feel like the day was wasted.
It was our last day of school today. Some of those kids graduating (8th grade) gave the teachers in our classroom presents. I told one young lady that I felt like she should be getting the presents. Some of these kids I may never see again, others I will see at summer school.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
A Favorite Friend Here

He is a great friend, and is great fun! He loves me all the time. He is patient when I clip his fur, and when we give him a bath. He is a big brother and watches over his friends (the cats). He knows how to get what he wants by just staring at you... his eyes say, "walk me now."
My daughter is my other best friend. She is great to be around.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Early Marilyn Monroe

This is one picture I find so fascinating, I found it on the web sometime back. Of course everything about Marilyn Monroe I found fascinating. I wish I could have known this lady. My daughter said, you called her lady. I am not sure what to think. Years ago, I used to collect every book and picture I could find on her.
Marilyn Monroe
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Magic Mirror

I always sympathized with Penny in this episode. Judy was rather insensitive and in this scene is attempting to make it up.
This is one of my favorite episodes of Lost in Space. I have thought, how fun it would be to go into another dimension. On second thought, could be also scary. Michael J. Pollard is really an interesting character in this.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The Junkyard of Space

Too bad Lost in Space ended up in The Junkyard of Space. Rather, I think it was CBS not understanding what kind of stories people wanted. Such a waste of potential. Nevertheless, it was, and still is one of my favorite T.V. programs.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
A Change Of Space

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Jonathan Harris

Johnathan Harris is my favorite character actor. He really was great in Lost in Space. I never tire of watching him as Dr. Zachary Smith.
I wanted to say something, so here I take the plunge. Praise God for his mercies. He cares for us. Even if we do not know it or acknowledge it.
The following is the song "The Weight" by The Band
The following is the song "The Weight" by The Band
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